Mental Health First Aid In The Workplace

More and more workplaces are realising the impact of mental health problems at work on their people and productivity. Encouraging early help-seeking is one way to promote a mentally healthy workplace. This is where Mental Health First Aid can help. Mental health first aid is an evidence-based training course that gives your employees the skills and confidence to have supportive conversations with their co-workers and help guide them to professional help if needed. It has been shown to increase knowledge, confidence and helping behaviours, and reduce stigma. 

What is covered in an MHFA course?

Learn to recognise common mental health problems, how to provide initial help to someone experiencing a mental health problem using a practical, evidence-based Action Plan, and how to respond in a crisis situation. During the course, participants have the opportunity to practice new skills in a safe environment. 

Mental Health First Aid Officers

People wishing to become an officer need to attend Mental Health First Aid training and can then complete an online assessment to be accredited as a Mental Health First Aider. The accreditation is valid for three years. Just like appointing physical first aid officers, many organisations choose to appoint accredited Mental Health First Aiders to the role of Mental Health First Aid officer within the workplace. Mental Health First Aid Officers are appointed and supported to:

  • Provide mental health first aid within their worksite
  • Escalate any matters in a prompt and appropriate fashion according to relevant organisational policy and procedures. 

Note: This is an education course designed to teach people the skills to give first aid to others, it is not a therapy or support group.

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